Newsletter N°4 – 4th Quarter 2021

Posted the 27 Jan 2022 by in General informations, News

ReBin Newsletter 2021 – N°4

Our most Sustainable Wishes

Dear ReBin Friends,

As the end-of-year celebrations approach, don’t forget to ask Little Santa Claus, when he comes down from the sky, to ask everyone to favour solutions rather than talk about the problems. Let’s all move together towards a more sustainable society. The solutions exist and we need your help to scale them up.

To keep Christmas white despite global warming, don’t forget to give priority, whenever possible, to more sustainable and supportive solutions. This is the very meaning of the circular economy that we implement wherever we operate.

We wish you an excellent, restful and lasting holiday season.

Take good care of yourselves.

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Fondation ReBin

Contribuer à l’amélioration du cadre de vie des populations par une gestion des déchets plus durables dans une économie plus circulaire et plus solidaire.