Newsletter N°2 – 2nd quarter 2021

Posted the 04 Jun 2021 by in News

ReBin Newsletter 2021 -N°2

Learn from this crisis, towards a more sustainable world

Dear Friends of ReBin,

In a climate emergency context, it is essential to quickly put in place strong measures in favor of economic and ecological transition. This is what we strive to do on a daily basis by developing a circular economy in Benin and by raising awareness among the youngest.

Many of us want more responsible consumption, locally anchored and geared towards quality of life, rather than the wasteful accumulation of “all-throwables”. New business models, allowing for the saving of resources, are also developing in a wide variety of economic sectors. Finally, awareness of the dangers of the climate crisis must not weaken. This local economy, particularly affected by the closure and containment measures imposed by the authorities, is not an abstract entity. It is made up of thousands of human projects and destinies, the work accumulated over the years and the income of many, many families. It is not in a situation of crisis and disruption, which generates economic and social misery, that we will build the green economy of tomorrow. A violent and constrained decrease is extremely risky and damaging, from a sustainable development perspective.

We will have many lessons to learn from the current crisis, from a health point of view of course, but also, probably, on our way of living together, of assuming our responsibilities towards others or of being in solidarity. Hopefully, in such a context, we will also be able to make the inevitable economic stimulus measures to come, an opportunity to move towards a more sustainable economy and world. Thank you in advance for your generosity and your commitment by our side to defend a more sustainable economy and a more united society.

Take care of yourself.

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Fondation ReBin

Contribuer à l’amélioration du cadre de vie des populations par une gestion des déchets plus durables dans une économie plus circulaire et plus solidaire.