
Composting our organic waste is one of the response to the challenges of the circular economy

Waste, considered to be a residue of our traditional consumption system and which we get rid of today (either by incineration or by burying it) is in fact a valuable product. In our circular economy, this waste is not considered as garbage with a cost of disposal, but as a potential recoverable resource.

Thanks to the bio-waste provided by our households and our partners (farmers, breeders, restaurateurs and other small businesses), a local composting system allows us to transform them into a top quality organic amendment. This bio-waste is transformed into a new product which is resold or exchanged and which thus allows us to:

  • Fight against soil degradation ;
  • Offer an alternative to chemical fertilizers and other pesticides used in agriculture ;
  • Restore degraded lands and soils ;
  • Create “green” jobs and generate sustainable income.




of high quality compost production

The explanatory brochure for our compost was produced by our local experts (in French). A leaflet is delivered with each order in one of our centers. Our advisers are available to our customers for optimal use of the product (télécharger ici)