With more than 350 million tons of plastic consumed worldwide each year, 180 million tons of plastic waste accumulated in our oceans since 1950 and barely 10% recycled, we are headed towards a global disaster. In order to be able to think wisely about our common future, we must first act for the present.
We are working with several organizations on a solution for transforming certain plastic waste into fuel. We want a viable and circular economic model, intended for communities that can at the same time act quickly in places which are already polluted. The fuel produced by this transformation will lead these communities to a certain energy autonomy.
It will create jobs thanks to the remuneration of waste collection and the people in charge of the manufacturing. This fuel can be used to operate generators and certain vehicles. By developing an autonomous waste recycling economy, it invites the entire community to selective sorting and collective cleaning of its environment.
It will reduce CO2 emissions by limiting underground oil extraction and will prevent 48 tons of additional plastic waste in the oceans each year. By becoming a source of energy, this plastic waste disappears forever from the pollution cycle while waiting for the plastic itself to disappear from certain modes of production and consumption.